To avoid any problems please maintain 1A 12V on the TX Modbus power terminal block
In the CONFIG TX tab , refresh your browser page. A green validation dot should appear in front of the TX Modbus slaves that you have just activated. A red dot means that the configuration is being recovered. Do not hesitate to wait a few moments and refresh your page if the green dots do not appear.
In the “NETWORK” tab, the frames containing the contents of the slave registers read by the Modbus TX that you have just activated must be sent at the periodicity that has been configured. This tab allows you to validate the correct reception of Modbus TX frames
We recommend using this page as an on-site audit tool, to validate that RSSI levels for receiving frames are good
Click on the “MODBUS” tab. When you select a slave on the left of the screen, the registers in which its information is stored are displayed in the Modbus Table. You can save this Modbus table with the “Export CSV” button.
It is possible to write to the Modbus table registers for each slave.
Writing can only be done on “Hold” or “Coil” type registers.
You can check if the slave registers have been read and written by consulting this article: [Proprietary mode] Verification of reading/writing of TX Modbus registers
Rappel concernant l'utilisation du TX MODBUS 600-041
This step allows you to validate the configuration of the registers and the values of the slave registers from the Modbus TX server.
The procedure for accessing the TX MODBUS configuration server is identical to that of the receiver. The default address for accessing the TX MODBUS server is .
The SLAVE SETUP tab of the TX Modbus server will show you how slave reading has been configured from the receiver.
The SLAVE STATUS tab will show you the data read by the TX MODBUS on the slaves. You can confirm the reporting of the same data and register values as in the Modbus table of the receiver.
Configure the slaves that the TX MODBUS must read from the receiver server
Go to the receiver configuration server . On the receiver configuration server, the Config TX tab allows the declaration and configuration of the TX MODBUS which will be paired with the receiver. To configure your TX MODBUS, click on the button +Add Sensor. A new window appears.
Below is the list of fields to configure:
Choose the transmitter type
Indicate the transmitter location
Enter the LoRa ID (provided on the transmitter label)
Choose the transmission periodicity
Click the +Advanced button to configure the registers to read/write on the slave
Select a slave number between 1 and 10
Enter a Modbus ID for the slave (from 1 to 254)
Communication settings
Provide the addresses of the registers to read/write on the slave (maximum 6 registers per slave). Select the size and type of each register
When you click Save, a message appears
If you wish to declare other slaves on this same TX MODBUS , you can click OK and continue editing by indicating a new slave number.
Once your configuration is complete, you can click Save Changes, then Cancel to finish and exit.
The RX MODBUS receiver supports up to 50 transmitters. Each slave configured on a MODBUS TX is equivalent to a transmitter in the receiver's Modbus table.
It is possible to configure several slaves with the same Modbus ID in order to read or write in more than 6 registers on this slave. For more details, please see this article.
Type TX
+ Advanced
Slave number
Modbus ID
Baud rate, Data and stop bits, Parity
Configuration of registers
Step 1
Power the TX Modbus (7.5 to 24VDC)
Open the TX Modbus case by unscrewing the 4 cover screws then externally power your TX Modbus (between 7.5 to 24VDC).
Step 2
Validate the TX Modbus LEDs behavior
When you power it, the TX Modbus tries to communicate with the receiver. You can refer to the TX Modbus LEDs to learn more about the installation status.